2025 SSGA Team Update and Reminder for Sign Up for April Events.

The 2025 SSGA Teams are published so you can review who you are paired with. I have updated the changes I have received since January, they are Highlighted in Orange. If you have any Changes to your Teams and questions please let me know, email me at the address below. Teams are:https://springfieldseniorgolf.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/25Teams.pdf

Reminder the April sign up for the Events will be on 15 March at 4:00 PM. You will receive an email directing you to the Link.

Dan Murphy, Tournament Director, email: springfieldseniorgolf@gmail.com or Phone 417-849-7376

September Waitlist Summary

At the suggestion of one of our members, we are posting a preliminary version of the waitlist for our events in September. We have hesitated to do this in the past because it changes so rapidly. We have averaged almost 24 drops per event so everyone has a chance to get into a event. Remember that is you are on the waitlist for a event then you get credit for playing even if you don’t actually make the field. We will see how this works and adjust if needed.

2024 Schedule and Teams listing available on the Website

The information in the black box above has the updated information for the 2024 season for the Schedule and Teams listing. Minor changes may take place as the year progresses. The notice for each month will have the most current information. You may notice that the rate for Springfield Golf has been updated to $40 instead of $45. Thanks to General Manger John Bradish for his help in getting the rate reduced to last years rate.